Adv MK Irani

Gift Agreements

Gift Agreements

  • Gift To A Purpose With A Condition For Revocation.
  • Gift Of Land For Building A Temple.
  • Gift By Father To His Son Of Land By Mortgage.
  • Deed Of Gift Of Book Debts.
  • Renunciation Of Gift By Donee.
  • Deed Of Gift Of Goodwill Of Business, Trade Marks By Father To Two Sons In Partnership.
  • Deed Of Gift Of Moveable Property.
  • Record Of A Gift Of Moveables.
  • Deed Of Gift Of Immovable Property.
  • Deed Of Conditional Gift.
  • Revocable Deed Of Gift.
  • Gift In Consideration Of Marriage.
  • Gift To Son.
  • Gift Of Money To Grand Son.
  • Gift Of A House To The Daughter.
  • Gift Of A House To The Daughter – 2.
  • Gift Of Library To A Trust Without Reversion Clause.
  • Gift Of Property For Specified Purpose.
  • Gift Of Immovable Property.
  • Gift Of A Piece Of Land.
  • Gift Of A Shop.
  • Gift Of Money To Brother For Meeting The Marriage Expenses Of The Niece Of The Donor.
  • Gift Of Books For Education Of Daughter.
  • Gift Of Property For Hospital.
  • Gift Of Moneys For The Marriage Of Grand-daughter.
  • Gift By Lady To Her Minor Grand Sons.
  • Gift With A Condition For Revocation.
  • Gift Of Charity.
  • Gift Of Property To Wife.
  • Revocation Of Gift By The Donee.
  • Creating Life Estate For The Maintenance Of The Daughter – In- Law By Way Of Gift.
  • Gift To Daughter-in-law For Maintenance.