Adv MK Irani



What more does a mentor want from his subordinates, besides the love and gratitude that he is gifted. One of my juniors wrote this to me today…

“Picture this – busy day at court, two extensive witness examinations, and two extensive arguments. Only a practising professional will know what such a day brings to their mind. So the other day, while I was gearing myself up to race against time, I watched someone with great admiration, preparing in silence. What happened during the rest of the morning, indeed made be believe that it was the silence before the storm. This individual displayed such proficiency at the courtroom, I almost had a jaw-dropping reaction to his piercing voice and words of wit and knowledge, combined so well, it held the interest of the deciding Authorities until the end. Moreover it came to me as a major astonishment, as I kept wondering how can any human brain switch subjects so fast and be as confident as a fearless lion! I am still trying to figure out how does his brain work, what kind of superlative degree of skills and expertise does he have and where does he get it from. Are genes playing on him or is it perseverance.. probably both, and many other factors that juniors like us cannot even comprehend. He went back to back into three different subjects and situations, with no breaks in between, with such readiness and never paused or shivered even for a moment, and surprisingly kept his temper unaffected. (Put me in a situation like this, I would erupt into a mess of anger and no work would ever be accomplished!!) He didn’t seem to require to refer to any of his notes and maneuvered so effortlessly from one courtroom to the other with something that felt like a powerfully upgraded computer software installed in his head. Nevertheless his charm remained undeterred, catching multiple attentions together, and no matter how much pressure he was put through, he remained so focussed. Even achieving a small portion of such vibrant traits of this professionally and intellectually armed person may make me such a confident person. Mere observance of him is such an influence, it can carry me away, and inspires me to copy him. He is not just my senior, he is a learning, he is an overall subject in himself, so well polished and refined, an outcome of great devotion and rigorous exposure to the most hostile situations. He is the one from whom I have to discover, identify and understand so many features and naturally the respect and love always builds while I watch his incessant compassion towards his profession. What I saw that day was fantastic, hats off to this powerful and robust intellectual human, who poses such poise and does it with all ease! I sincerely appreciate, in fact I am awestruck with what I saw.. marvellous…I take pride with all gratitude in learning more from you Sir, my professional journey with you is a very versatile experience for which each aspect of me shall always remain so thankful to you..

On this occasion of Guru Pournima, Sir, it is my sincere thanks to you, for being there for us, for being so patient and so gracious. Our greatest strength is the belief that you show in us. What more can a subordinate want from his Mentor? Words will always fall short for the overwhelming feelings of gratitude and respect that bonds us so intensely!

Lots of Best Wishes and Great Luck to you Sir! God bless!!”

I sincerely thank each one of you for showing your sincere gratitude and kind gestures. It made my day so special, I will be ever so grateful and proud of you for performing so well professionally as well as have groomed into being such good people.

Invited as Judge For Semi Finals of Moot Court competition held at Sinhagad Law College

Invited for seminar on Uniform Civil Code held at Boat Club Pune by Zoroastrian organisation

Invited as Judge For Smt.Kashibal Navale 9th Nation of Moot Court competition held at Sinhagad Law College